Yesterday was a day I had been looking forward to since the moment I found out I was pregnant: our ultrasound. The nerves and tension of desperately hoping everything was developing normally were starting to get to me and I just wanted reassurance that baby was doing well.
This time around, I had a pretty certain feeling that it was a boy, but I couldn't wait until I could be absolutely sure. As I laid down and got that warm jelly spread across my mushy abdomen, the tech asked us if we wanted to know the sex. "YES!" was our immediate response. The moment she touched her instrument to my belly, a clear picture of two spread legs and a little something-something in the middle came into view. There was no question about it! I, of course, got emotional and the tech immediately grabbed a box of tissues like a pro.
Wiggling and moving, baby boy was sucking on his fingers and toes the whole time. I had forgotten how incredible it was to watch him open and close his mouth and re-adjust his position while all I felt were flutters. I felt so blessed to have been given another opportunity to witness this miracle.
After we made our rounds of phone calls and text messages, we started to talk about how incredible it's going to be for Colin to have a little brother. A best friend, a playmate, a wrestling opponent, a protector and partner in crime. I can already imagine the overwhelming love I'll feel watching them interact. I'm well aware there are going to be fights, bruises, whining and a whole lot of chaos. But I wouldn't want it any other way.
Here's to our newest beautiful baby boy and the magic he'll bring to our family. I love you so much already!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
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