Thursday, September 30, 2010

Endings and New Beginnings

It's been a busy few weeks at the Foster house. After our friend's wedding, we assumed things would start to slow down, but things just seem to keep popping up!

I started teaching my hip-hop class at All That! dance studio a few weeks ago. It's been going great and there are still quite a few kids in it from when I taught it 2 years ago. The studio will be adding an adult hip-hop class for me to teach after my teen class so I'm hoping they get a good turnout so it can become a regular class in their schedule. We've got a show coming up in December so we will be busy getting the kids ready for their performance.

This Saturday is the Stanford vs. UO Football game and the UO Dance Team is putting on their first ever Alumni Performance! I'm so excited to see some of my old teammates and kick back in the Moshofsky Center like we used to do back in the day! I'm a little nervous to dance with my pot belly/baby bump, especially during a certain "shake your booty" section. I'll cross my fingers I'm in the back for that part. I'll post video after the game!

Lastly, my mom has been here because our house finally sold. The papers are signed today and the new owners get the keys tomorrow afternoon. It's been a long process to sell this house so I've made my peace with it, but it's definitely sad to know that the place I grew up will no longer be available for my trips down memory lane.

That's all for now, here's a picture of my sweet angel to hold you over until I get around to uploading the hundreds of pictures on our camera. :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekend Update with Sarah Foster

Let me just start off by saying that every weekend should be a 3 day weekend....sigh.

I had the most incredible weekend filled with friends, family, food and festivities. It was one I wont soon forget and a large part of that is because I got to attend the beautiful wedding of our dear friends Joe & Missy.

I left work early on Friday so I could continue to bake cupcakes for their rehearsal dinner that evening. I had made one batch ahead of time, but completely underestimated how much time I'd need to make 4 more complete with frosting and decorations while entertaining a small and slightly psychotic little boy.

I decided on flavors earlier in the week so I assumed I had all the necessary ingredients...oh I couldn't have been more wrong! After baking all three flavors, I started on the first frosting: Vanilla Buttercream. This particular recipe calls for heavy whipping cream and I would have bet my favorite shoes on there being an unopened carton in my fridge. Not only was I completely out, but I luckily noticed that I also seemed to be missing a package of confectioners sugar. Colin probably hid it under the bathroom sink (not don't know where he'll hide things once he gets his hands on them) but I was just thankful that I noticed it before I went to the store.

Throwing open the door after returning from Fred Meyer, my face was red and sweaty and my arm was starting to throb from holding a wiggly child. I finished my first set of cupcakes and packed them up in one of my cupcake carriers. After completing the other two flavors, I was finally able to pack up the desserts, my kid and myself to go and celebrate with my friends.

The rehearsal dinner was at a gorgeous location and we enjoyed tasty BBQ and good company. I didn't last long though and it was shortly after sunset that my fam packed up our belongings and headed home.

Here are pictures of the cupcakes I made:

On Saturday, Jason and Megan came down from Portland and I drove Colin to Albany so he could stay the night with Grandma & Grandpa Foster. We had an amazing time at the wedding and couldn't have felt more lucky to be in the presence of two people who are so in love and starting their "legal" lives together. :)

On Sunday, we got to see Kristen and while it may not have been the most eventful evening ever, ("What do YOU want to eat? I don't know...what do YOU want to eat?) it doesn't matter what we do because I'll always have fun with that girl!

Monday brought a nice visit with Blake who traveled with his girlfriend from Michigan for the weekend. We also got to spend some time with the newlyweds and The Meisen-Vehrs/Vasey clan while we watched Boise State squeak by Virgina Tech.

It was the best way to spend a three day weekend: with all of the people we love and care about! Here's the the Holiday season and many more long weekends coming our way!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pregnancy Update

I don't remember much about the beginning of my pregnancy with Colin. It's a bunch of pieces to a puzzle that give me clues as to how I felt. I remember falling asleep on the copy room floor at my job because I couldn't function any longer. I remember eating countless amounts of wheat thins because I felt a light wave of nausea throughout the morning, but not enough to make me unable to function. I remember sleeping away the daylight while Shane hung out with our friends, Jason and Megan.

I'm now 11 weeks pregnant. It's been 6 weeks since I discovered the magical blue plus sign and I can't say it's been easy.

I don't know why I didn't feel any symptoms until after I knew I was pregnant. It's like my body was holding out on me so I had an explanation as to why I was going to bed at 8:30 and unable to button my jeans.

I know I'm a different person these days. It takes a heck of a lot to pull me out from the auto-pilot version of myself that I've become. Get up, get ready, go to work, come home, attempt to give Colin the playfulness I know he wants/needs, feel guilty for failing, bed. That's been my routine. The only reason I've ever been able to slip out of this first trimester coma is because of one person: Shane.

I can't tell you all that I feel when I think about what he's doing for me. I can try, but I already feel my eyes stinging from tears starting to form and once that gets going there is virtually nothing I can do to stop it.

It's not just that he put away my laundry that had been sitting on the floor in our bedroom for a month.

It's not just that he gives me spontaneous massages to help me fall asleep faster.

It's not just that he listens, really listens, to my rants, my whining and my irritable complaints about how I feel.

It's not just that he wrote me a poem in hopes of brightening my afternoon.


It's the way that every day, without hesitation, he makes every effort to make my life easier and more comfortable. How, without spending a penny, he comes up with amazing ways to make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I couldn't imagine going through this journey and not having his love and unwavering support.

More now than ever, I love this man.

I know this will get easier. I know I'll start feeling more like myself and that my energy will be replenished. But it would be hard to look to the light at the end of the tunnel if I didn't have Shane's hands to help hold my head up.

So here's to the first trimester almost being over, to the 5 lbs I've quickly gained and to Shane. Oh, and to getting through this post without crying....almost.