Monday, April 26, 2010

What weekend?!

This weekend was absolutely crazy. I don't even feel like we had one! Friday night, Shane and I decided to go a U of O Baseball game with Colin. While it was fun to be outside on such a nice night and see the new stadium, it is very difficult to keep control of a 1 year old as all he wanted to do was run around to people who were watching the game. We stayed for about 2 innings (long enough!) and then decided to call it quits and head home.

That night I had made pad thai for dinner from a box (yikes) and it will forever be remembered as a horrible decision. Luckily Shane isn't big on Thai food so he didn't have any, but I woke up feeling slightly sick, like I had drank too much the night before (I had nothing but had eaten about 15 double stuf I assumed that was it). We went to Home Depot and the nausea continued to grow. I was feeling so sick (which is out of character for me) and Shane asked if I could possibly be pregnant. I got freaked out for a second because it could be possible, but at the same time I had a pretty strong sense that pregnancy wasn't the issue. In any case, we decided to get a test just to make sure. One line = relieved Shane and Sarah. So after the short-lived relief, I got even more sick. Full-fledged food poisoning came over me and I was unable to get out of bed all day. Poor Shane was starting to feel sick and had things to do, but instead had to put all that aside to take care of Colin. He is seriously Superman!!

So Sunday rolls around and after some pepto (sick) and lot's of sleep, I was feeling weak but much better. The tables had turned however for Shane. He was feeling much worse. He had already planned for his parents to come down and help us with our backyard though, so he powered through. We decided to redo our lawn because the people before us had no sense of ownership and let their dogs ruin the grass. We rented a rototiller from Home Depot and Shane spent almost 4 hours going back and forth on our lawn getting all the grass broken up. After that, he was completely spent and had to lay down. I finally was able to eat something, so I had gotten some energy back. I took Colin outside with me and I raked all the huge chunks of grass out of the yard and tried to flatten it. We had rented a big roller to level it, so I filled it with water and did that next.

After rolling and raking for a while, I was finally pleased with the level. I fed Colin dinner, gave him a bath and put the little guy to bed and headed back to Home Depot before they closed at 8. I got fertilizer and grass seed and went back home to finish it before I lost all daylight. Well, I got about 40 minutes into it before it was completely dark, but that didn't stop me! I FINALLY finished laying all fertilzer, spread all the seed and rolled it out before heading in. I was exhausted but I still had to watch the Amazing Race (ahhh priorities...reality tv before sleep).

I slept on the couch so Shane wouldn't get me sick and here we are again; it's Monday. I wouldn't take any of it back though, I'm extremely proud of myself for taking on as much as I did and of Shane for how amazing he was while I was swearing off pad thai for life.

I've got a good fam!!

Here's a picture of the yard after I raked it out...

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